Software maintenance is hard
you could use a hand

Ranger is built from the ground up to help open-source maintainers get their work done better

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Maintainer-First Automation

Ranger provides maintainers a set of fire-and-forget tools to help make common tasks simple, friendly, and consistent.

Simply apply labels to merge pull requests, close issues, or create standard comments automatically. All configurable through a simple YAML file.

Trusted By Experts

Emotion JS PromiseKit

Auto Merge Pull Requests

Stop checking if tests have passed and guessing when your build will finish. Just add the appropriate label and Ranger will know when to merge your pull request.

Friendly Issue Auto-Close

Instead of slamming an issue “closed”, give potential contributors a chance to speak up before closing.

Ranger let’s you apply a label to mark an issue for closure with a configurable delay as well as a custom comment to explain why an issue is being closed.

Auto close issues

Standardize Your Replies

Leave robotic comments to the bots. Ranger let’s you quickly send preconfigured responses while being explicit about the fact that they’re standardized.

Standardize your replies

Works with Other Bots

Ranger is designed to work directly with other bots, like Dependabot, Greenkeeper, Renovate, and All-Contributors. Enhance your workflows by having bots work together!

Works with other bots

And So Much More

From deleting unwanted comments to creating tags, Ranger can help in many other ways too!

All actions are fully customizable, so you can extend Ranger to enhance any workflow. Check out the docs to see a full list of Ranger’s capabilities.

Have a feature idea or repetitive task that should be added to Ranger’s defaults?

Submit Feedback


Ranger is currently in beta and still learning how it can be most helpful. While in beta, Ranger will be free for all public repositories, for individuals and organizations. Additionally, Ranger will always be free for open-source individuals and not-for-profit communities.

If you would like to test Ranger in your private repos and organization accounts while in beta, please contact us.

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